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The ECS Plan


The ECS plan is a way of activating your ECS in a away to better optimize your health.

  • Through a comprehensive diet that balances omega 3 & omega 6 intake as well as identifies the differences between the omegas 3s.

  • A balanced exercise plan with non-traditional therapy and excercises.

  • The ECS plan in conjunction with your doctor's guidance and advice will help you optimize your health profile.





Please click one of the links here to contact Loren DeFalco for more information.


Loren DeFalco, President


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The content on including but not limited to text, graphics, images, RSS feeds, links and all other material contained on the website is intended for your general knowledge and education only and is NOT a substitute for medical advice or treatment for a specific medical condition.

Any information contained on is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease.

In no way are you to consider the information I offer as medical advice, nor does it constitute a doctor/patient relationship.

Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on or any other website(s) linked to it.

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