The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) is a Homeostatic Regulator of Inflammation
Proper activation of the ECS helps to homeostaticly regulate the inflammation in the body that is associated with many diseases.
Diseases such as diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, alzheimer's disease, neurological diseases, auto-immune diseases, arthritis, and pulmonary diseases are associated with the regulation of inflammation in the body.
Most popular information on this topic has to do with using cannabis to activate the ECS. The information presented on this website shows you how to properly activate the ECS to get similar benefits of using cannabis as medicine without the use of cannabis or other drugs.
Proper activation/signaling occurs through proper diet, exercise, and alternative medicine, such as acupuncture.
CEDS (Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency Syndrome) is a newly recognized condition that is associated with inflammatory diseases such as fibromyalgia, IBS, migraines, etc..
The ECS serves as a homeostatic regulator of inflammation with receptors throughout the body as it modulates embryonic developments, neural plasticity, neuroprotection, immunity and inflammation apoptosis and carcinogenesis, pain and emotional memory, hunger, feeding, and metabolism.
Recent studies show that 80% of the population is genetically predisposed to high anxiety. This anxiety will manifest if the proper endocannabinoid levels are not reached in the human body.
There is a hypothesis that many of the diseases that you are genetically predisposed to and that are inflammation related will manifest if the body does not have the proper endocannabinoid levels in the body to regulate these diseases and their symptoms.
Both external (phyto-cannabinoids) and internal (endocannabinoids) cannabinoids attach to receptors in the human body and serve to activate certain chemical molecules in the body that transport messages (neurotransmission) within the cell and outside of the cell to mediate feelings and processes.
This site will show you how to activate the ECS without the use of cannabis and other drugs.
Cannabis does not affect disease as much as it affects the endocannabinoid system that regulates the processes affecting said inflammatory related disease. As stated above, we can regulate the endocannabinoid system in similar ways as cannabis with proper exercise and diet.
Cannabinoids are Anti-Aging By Nature
Cannabinoids have anti-aging properties that act by "smoothing out" free radicals.
Cannabinoids act as an antioxidant cleanse as they remove damaged cells and improve the efficiency of mitochondria.
The ECS is a retrograde neurotransmission signaler. It sends signals backwards from post-synapse to pre-synapse to regulate neurotransmission flow.
Many of the FDA approved drugs either increase neurotransmission flow or block flow.
The ECS is a self-regulator of neurotransmission flow when signaling is activated properly.
Acting as retrograde messengers, endocannabinoids can modulate excitatory and inhibitory inputs that control dopaminergic neurons of the mesocorticolimbic system.
In the central nervous system CB1 receptors are mainly located on presynaptic nerve terminals and their activation brings about a decrease in neurotransmission; therefore, endocannabinoids act as “retrograde messengers”.
Endocannabinoids control lipid and glucose metabolism in several peripheral organs, particularly the liver and adipose tissue.
Since high expression of CB2 are found on B and natural killer (NK) cells, its signaling is thought to mediate cannabinoid inhibition of T cell proliferation, modulation of pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion, and B cell responses.
Click here for more detail on ECS components